Joannie DeBrito draws from more than 30 years of diverse experience as a parent educator, family life educator, school social worker, administrator, and licensed mental health professional. Joannie is a regular contributor to Focus on the Family.
Joannie DeBrito draws from more than 30 years of diverse experience as a parent educator, family life educator, school social worker, administrator, and licensed mental health professional. Joannie is a regular contributor to Focus on the Family.
Self-harm is an attempt to find relief from emotional distress. Here is what the Bible offers parents to help their kids who are cutting.
For grandparents, perhaps there has never been a better time to support and serve your children and grandchildren.
Grandparents sometimes have to provide safe and loving homes for grandchildren when their children, the parents of those little ones, are unable to do so.
Crucial decisions made during the post high school years may significantly impact a young adult’s future.
If you’re experiencing the loss of a prodigal son or daughter who isn’t currently in touch with you, you probably feel helpless. Here are some ways to understand a prodigal child and find hope if you have a prodigal child.
Mom, you are amazing! You are unique. You can make a difference in your child’s life and the truth is, there has never been a mom exactly like you.
Discussing boundaries and limits with your adult children will contribute to the good health of your relationship and minimize conflicts in the home.
While it’s hard to reconcile the image of a loving, righteous God in the midst of tragic loss, we parents need to stay focused on the sovereignty of God.
Adaptability as a parent requires a mom or dad to get rid of the “shoulds” that tend to come from comparing their experience as young adults to that of their kids.
We must be aware of what our kids are watching online and how it may impact them, especially in the case of the recent TikTok suicide video that has gone viral.
What’s interesting about nature and nurture in child development is that they are both significantly impacted by the way God made us.
Each mom’s journey through the stages of motherhood will look slightly different. Mothers, overall, tend to handle certain things in each stage of their child’s life in certain ways. Those tendencies can be helpful as we journey through each stage of our child’s life
While motherhood usually includes plenty of challenges, most women are not prepared for the crises that may occur. As moms learn to adjust to motherhood in difficult situations, they will often find joy in unexpected places.
Being a mom can be rewarding and gut-wrenching, sometimes at the same time. Depending on the circumstances, this Mother’s Day may be one that you anticipate with fear, sorrow, or dread.
Whether you are enjoying or being challenged by this time of living with your young adult child, it’s a great time to develop adaptability.
Focus on the Family has created Alive to Thrive to provide help and hope for parents and others who interact regularly with young people. This free resource provides practical suggestions for preventing and responding to suicidal thoughts and actions.
For those of you with children with special needs, here are some tips that may help your children hold on to the recent gains they’ve made in school and in therapy sessions, while they’re learning at home.
Now, more than ever, we need to be mindful of our screens and how we use them. We should always be their masters—and never let them be masters over us.
Sadly, reverence for the elderly is sometimes in short supply in today’s youth-oriented culture. Because they may be slowing down and having more difficulty moving around, there is an assumption that what elderly people have to offer is also in short supply. On the contrary, they have the most to contribute.
These eight tips can help create a successful and less stressful environment for you and your kids while you are working from home.
Estimated reading time: 6 minutes Table of contentsLiving with Your Family in Close QuartersHitting the Pause ButtonGrace – An Undeserved GiftShowing GraceWhen Real Life HitsGo To Your ClosetFrom Frustration to Authentic CommunicationFocus on the Oppor …
We’ve all heard healthcare providers tell us how to keep the coronavirus at bay. Wash your hands frequently and don’t touch your face. If you have any symptoms of the virus, consult a doctor and stay away from other people. These and other suggestions …
Holiday stress between parents and young adult children may occur when both parties have different expectations about the holidays. But that stress can be relieved.
Moms: Stop, pause and observe to see how a father’s unique contributions to parenting will benefit his children.
After the holidays, do you ever feel not like your self or even depressed? Here are some ideas to help you get back to feeling like your normal self.
Does your child misbehave in a way that can be traced back to something you do? Is your teen’s rebellious attitude similar to yours? Your kids’ behavior isn’t your fault, but sometimes it means you have work to do.
Participating in caring for grandkids is a gift and a privilege. With careful planning, it represents an unprecedented opportunity to make a lasting, positive impression in their lives.
Navigating a role shift when adult children move back home.
Adaptability is a big part of helping older children “leave the nest” well.
Some mothers coparent their kids with their own mothers. Through cooperation, these women can encourage healthy development in their children and grandchildren.