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Resources: Marital Intimacy


Marital Intimacy


Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books,
referral recommendations, and more.

Closer: Devotions to Draw Couples Together by Jim and Cathy Burns 
Fifty-two devotionals with Scripture and engaging stories inspire couples to draw closer to each other through quiet talks vital for intimacy in marriage.

Enjoy! by Joyce and Clifford Penner 
“The Gift of Sexual Pleasure for Women”

From This Day Forward by Craig and Amy Groeschel 
“Five Commitments to Fail-Proof Your Marriage”

Fully Alive by Dr. Larry Crabb 
”A Biblical Vision of Gender That Frees Men and Women to Live Beyond Stereotypes”

The Gift of Sex by Dr. Clifford and Joyce Penner 
This Christian guide to sexual fulfillment devotes significant attention to the physical dimension of marriage, including how to move past sexual barriers, resolve difficulties, and find help. The Penners also address pornography and sexual addictions.

God, Sex and Your Marriage by Dr. Juli Slattery
Godly sexuality extends far beyond sexual purity and calls us to sexual integrity. God invites every couple to view their sexual relationship, including their greatest struggles, as an avenue to learn about the nature of His covenant love.

How We Love: A Revolutionary Approach to Deeper Connections in Marriage by Milan and Kay Yerkovich 
Learn how childhood experiences shape future expectations for relationships.

Intimate Allies by Dr. Dan Allender and Tremper Longman 
“Rediscovering God’s Design for Marriage and Becoming Soul Mates for Life”

Intimate Issues: Conversations Woman-to-Woman by Linda Dillow and Lorraine Pintus
With warmth, wisdom, and candor, Dillow and Pintus answer the most-asked questions Christian women have about sexual intimacy. Their biblical insights and creative ideas will guide married couples to deeper, more satisfying relationships.

Kiss Me Like You Mean It by Dr. David Clarke
“Solomon’s Crazy-in-Love How-to Manual.”

The Married Guy’s Guide to Great Sex by Clifford and Joyce Penner
“Make sex meaningful to your wife, build desire, get past sexual problems, and enjoy guilt-free sex.”

Married Sex by Debra Fileta and Gary Thomas
A great sex life is something you make, not something you find. If you feel confused or frustrated about your sex life – or simply wonder, Is there more to it than this? – this book will help you make your marriage stronger, in and out of the bedroom.

Men and Women: Enjoying the Difference by Dr. Larry Crabb 
Crabb uses illustrations from Scripture and his counseling experience to discuss how to turn from selfishness and become “other-centered.”

No More Headaches by Dr. Julianna Slattery 
“Enjoying Sex and Intimacy in Marriage”

Reconnected by Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley
“Moving from Roommates to Soulmates in Your Marriage”

Red-Hot Monogamy: Making Your Marriage Sizzle by Bill and Pam Farrel 
God’s design for sex works best when there is complete intimacy—emotional, spiritual, and physical. The Farrels help put the sizzle back into your marriage with proven advice and techniques based on biblical truth.

Secrets of Sex & Marriage by Shaunti Feldhahn and Dr. Michael Sytsma
Eight simple, transformational factors to help you move from disconnection to delight.

The Songs of Jesus by Timothy and Kathy Keller
“A Year of Daily Devotions in the Psalms.” If you and your spouse don’t yet have a devotional life, this book is a wonderful way to start.

Starved for Affection by Dr. Randy Carlson 
“Why We Crave It, How to Get It, and Why It’s So Important in Marriage”

When Two Become One by Christopher McCluskey 
“Enhancing Sexual Intimacy in Marriage”

Adding Some Spice to Your Marriage (Pastor Ted Cunningham)
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Cunningham combines humor with practical advice for enjoying more connection and intimacy in your marriage.

Answering Questions About Sex in Marriage (Shaunti Feldhahn; Dr. Michael Sytsma)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD – Watch on YouTube Part 1 and Part 2
Whether you just tied the knot, or you’ve been married for decades, there are bound to be questions surrounding the topic of sex — and that’s okay! Sex therapist Dr. Michael Sytsma and best-selling author Shaunti Feldhahn answer common questions that married couples ask about physical intimacy.

Connecting Spiritually With Your Spouse (Dr. Greg and Mrs. Erin Smalley)
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The Smalleys talk about their struggles and joys in connecting with each other. They emphasize having a strong relationship with God, which creates true spiritual connection with your spouse.

Connecting Spiritually With Your Spouse Through the Psalms (Dr. Tim and Mrs. Kathy Keller)
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The Kellers discuss the benefits of studying the biblical Psalms as a couple. They share how couples can strengthen their relationship through their approach to devotions, prayer, and God.

Connecting With Your Spouse for a Lifetime (Pastor Craig Groeschel)
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Groeschel shares from his marriage of 20+ years and his role as a pastoral counselor. He tells what he’s learned about the importance of seeking God as a couple, learning to fight fair, having fun, and staying pure.

Discovering Your Love Style (Milan and Kay Yerkovich)
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The Yerkoviches offer helpful insights and steps you can take to create a deeper, richer marriage. Are you a pleaser, an avoider, a vacillator, a controller, or a secure connector?

Drawing Closer to God and Each Other (Gary Thomas)
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Thomas discusses how couples can intentionally put away selfishness and pursue oneness in marriage by finding confidence in God and seeking first His Kingdom.

Embracing the Unique Aspects of Male and Female (Dr. Larry Crabb)
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Crabb talks about how God created men and women as relational beings but that we often allow fear to prevent us from embracing authentic masculinity and femininity.

Enjoying Physical Intimacy As a Woman (Dr. Cliff and Mrs. Joyce Penner)
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The Penners discuss God’s design for sex, how to plan and prepare for times of intimacy, and how couples can overcome common blocks to intimacy.

Exploring the Depth of Intimacy in Marriage (Dr. Greg and Mrs. Erin Smalley)
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The Smalleys examine different types of intimacy in marriage—physical, emotional, relational, and spiritual—and give advice for how couples can build closeness.

Having Fun in Your Marriage (Pastor Ted Cunningham)
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Pastor Ted Cunningham describes the symptoms of a “stuck marriage,” and what couples can do to inject fun, happiness, and enjoyment back into their relationship.

How to Have a Better Sex Life by Understanding Your Love Style (Milan and Kay Yerkovich)
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Sexual intimacy requires emotional intimacy and an atmosphere of trust, openness, and vulnerability. Milan and Kay Yerkovich come alongside couples to help them understand how their emotional and physical relationship intersect and how they develop a deeper level of intimacy.

Improving Your Sex Life to Improve Your Marriage (Debra Fileta; Gary Thomas)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD – Watch on YouTube Part 1 and Part 2
Our guests offer married couples guidance for understanding what it takes to cultivate a sexual intimacy that’s more deeply satisfying and mutually fulfilling.

Keeping the Romance Sizzling in Your Marriage (Bill and Pam Farrel)
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The Farrels offer advice for building marital romance and sexual intimacy from their book Red Hot Monogamy.

Pursuing Passion in Your Marriage (Dr. Juli Slattery, Linda Dillow)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2
Psychologist Dr. Juli Slattery and author Linda Dillow address common questions women have about God’s design for sex and describe how wives can enjoy greater intimacy in their marriage.

Putting the Sizzle Back in Your Marriage (Kathi Lipp, Erin MacPherson)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2
Lipp and MacPherson encourage women to have a fun and intimate marriage—even in the midst of the demands of parenting. Learn to make sexual intimacy a priority and overcome common struggles including body image issues, exhaustion, and communication challenges.

Reconnected: The Digital Experience
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Is the love there, but not the spark? Reawaken fun in your marriage and move from roommates to soulmates with the help of this 7-part video series with supplemental resources.

Rethinking Godly Sexuality In Your Marriage (Dr. Juli Slattery)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD – Watch on YouTube Part 1 and Part 2
Many couples possess a poor foundation for understanding God’s design for intimacy — that our sexual relationship is a metaphor for the intimacy God longs to have with each one of us. Therefore, God is very interested in our sexuality and, in fact, designed marital sex for our pleasure.

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Passionate Commitment
Psychologist Dr. Cliff Penner, his wife, Joyce (a clinical nurse specialist), and other therapists offer counseling for a variety of individual, relational, and sexual issues.