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Resources: Marriage Materials


Marriage Materials


Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books,
referral recommendations, and more.

The 4 Seasons of Marriage by Gary Chapman 
“Secrets to a Lasting Marriage”

The 5 Love Languages: The Secret to Love That Lasts by Gary Chapman 
Healthy communication is fostered by quality time, acts of service, affirming words, physical touch, and gifts. Discover your primary personal style, and use it to strengthen the bond with your spouse.

31 Days to a Happy Husband by Arlene Pellicane
Learn how to care for your husband and provide for his greatest needs: domestic tranquility, respect, eros, attraction, and mutual activities.

31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife by Arlene Pellicane 
Pellicane offers scriptural and practical insights to help you build on five character traits: hopefulness, adaptability, positivity, purposefulness, and yieldedness.

The Antelope in the Living Room: The Real Story of Two People Sharing One Life by Melanie Shankle 
Shankle offers an inspiring and humor-filled look at the joys and challenges of marriage.

The Best Year of Your Marriage edited by Jim and Jean Daly 
“52 Devotions to Bring You Closer”

The Birth Order Book by Dr. Kevin Leman 
Leman offers key insights into how birth order can affect personality, marriage, parenting styles, career choices, and raising children. Learn to understand yourself, get along better with others, and overcome harmful tendencies.

Boundaries in Marriage by Dr. Henry Cloud and Dr. John Townsend 
Cloud and Townsend address the complex balance between becoming one in marriage and retaining healthy individual boundaries. Learn to respect each other’s needs, choices, and freedoms.

Cherish by Gary Chapman 
“The One Word That Changes Everything for Your Marriage”

A Couple’s Journey With God by Bill Farrel and Pam Farrel 
The Farrels offer practical, meaningful ways to join your love with God’s wisdom to strengthen your marriage. Learn to build a strong foundation for your lifelong journey as husband and wife.

Crazy Little Thing Called Marriage by Greg and Erin Smalley 
“12 Secrets of Lifelong Romance”

The DNA of Relationships by Dr. Gary Smalley 
“Discover How You Are Designed for Satisfying Relationships”

Each for the Other by Bryan and Kathy Chapell 
“Marriage As It’s Meant to Be”

Essentials of Marriage Series (Focus on the Family)
Relationship experts share practical wisdom, honest confessions, and decades of experience. Each study stands independently:

The First Five Years of Marriage by Focus on the Family 
“Launching a Lifelong, Successful Relationship”                

 Fun Loving You by Ted Cunningham 
“Enjoying Your Marriage in the Midst of the Grind”

Happily Ever After by Gary Chapman 
“Six Secrets to a Successful Marriage”

Happily Ever Laughter edited by Ken Davis
“Discovering the Lighter Side of Marriage”

Happy Habits for Every Couple by Roger and Kathi Lipp 
“21 Days to a Better Relationship”

Hedges by Jerry B. Jenkins (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
In a culture that minimizes infidelity and its devastating effects, Jenkins gives strong and practical advice to stay faithful for life: Plant preventative hedges around your marriage to deal with temptation before it occurs.

His Brain, Her Brain by Walt Larimore, M.D., and Barb Larimore 
“How Divinely Designed Differences Can Strengthen Your Marriage”

Honey, We Need to Talk by David Clarke, Ph.D. 
“Get Honest and Intimate in 10 Essential Areas”

Kingdom Marriage by Tony Evans 
“Connecting God’s Purpose With Your Pleasure”

The Language of Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs 
“Cracking the Communication Code With Your Mate”

A Lasting Promise by Scott Stanley, Daniel Trathen, Savanna McCain, and Milt Bryan 
“A Christian Guide to Fighting for Your Marriage”

Lists to Love by for Busy Husbands by Mark and Susan Merrill 
“Simple Steps to the Marriage You Want”

Lists to Love by for Busy Wives by Mark and Susan Merrill 
“Simple Steps to the Marriage You Want”

Love & Respect by Dr. Emerson Eggerichs 
Eggerichs introduces the message of biblical respect from Ephesians 5:33 that can help revive and energize your marriage.

The Love Dare by Stephen Kendrick and Alex Kendrick
This 40-day challenge helps husbands and wives understand and practice unconditional love. Learn keys to developing true intimacy and a dynamic marriage.

Marriage Matters by Tony Evans 
Evans explores Scripture to help couples understand the marriage covenant: its origin (who came up with it), its order (what’s the chain of command), and its operation (how it’s supposed to function).

The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller 
“Facing the Complexities of Commitment With the Wisdom of God”

Pray Big for Your Marriage by Will Davis 
“The Power of Praying God’s Promises for Your Relationship”

Sacred Marriage by Gary Thomas 
“What if God designed marriage to make us holy more than to make us happy?”

The Secret Language of Successful Couples by Bill Farrel and Pam Farrel 
The Farrels offer scriptural principles, practical ideas, and plenty of humor to help you and your spouse connect heart-to-heart—to have more fun together and solve problems more efficiently.

Smart Love by Drs. David and Jan Stoop 
“How Improving Your Emotional Intelligence Will Transform Your Marriage”

The Surprising Secrets of Highly Happy Marriages by Shaunti Feldhahn 
“The Little Things That Make a Big Difference”

Take the Date Night Challenge  by Dr. Greg Smalley and Erin Smalley 
“52 Creative Ideas to Make Your Marriage Fun”

Teach Your Children About MarriagePart I and Part II (Focus on the Family online booklet)
This guide provides biblical foundations and tangible suggestions to help you understand marriage from God’s perspective. Find creative ideas for talking about marriage to children at different ages.

The Top 10 Most Outrageous Couples of the Bible by David Clarke, Ph.D. (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“And How Their Stories Can Revolutionize Your Marriage”

You and Me Forever: Marriage in Light of Eternity by Francis and Lisa Chan
“Love, laughter, and intimacy were all created to be enjoyed. So there is a way to love family deeply without ignoring heaven.”

Uncommon Marriage by Tony and Lauren Dungy 
“Learning About Lasting Love and Overcoming Life’s Obstacles Together”

25 Years and Still in Love (Reverend Bob Kraning)
Kraning shares from Ephesians 4:25-32 to underscore principles that have helped him and his wife develop a strong marriage: speak the truth, work through anger, agree to disagree, give time to your spouse and family, allow your spouse to be an individual, be sensitive in handling money, be trustworthy, guard your tongue, and be kind and forgiving.

The Attitudes That Strengthen Your Marriage (Pastor Mark Gungor) 
With his humorous style, Gungor encourages spouses to adopt nine positive attitudes essential to a good marriage: be nice, honest, content, connected, prepared, proactive, clear, patient, and selfless.

Becoming Friends With Your In-Laws (Dr. Gary Chapman) 
Chapman explains several principles to help you build and strengthen your connection with your spouse’s parents and siblings.

Building a Dream Marriage During the Parenting Years (Arlene Pellicane) 
Pellicane offers thoughts from her book 31 Days to Becoming a Happy Wife. A wife can prioritize her husband while balancing multiple tasks. 

Building a Marriage That Lasts (Tony and Lauren Dungy) 
The Dungys share a candid glimpse of their personal life and how their marriage of 30-plus years survived Tony’s NFL career, parenting, adoption, and all the joys and hardships along the way.

Building Your Marriage to Last a Lifetime (Dr. Gary Smalley, Pastor Ted Cunningham) 
For marriage to last a lifetime, commitment alone isn’t enough. Rediscover and nurture the passionate love and close companionship you enjoyed in the early days of your relationship.

Celebrating God’s Original Design for Marriage (Jim Daly)
Daly outlines what God’s design for marriage is and why that design works better than alternatives offered by our culture. 

Cherish Your Spouse, Change Your Marriage (Gary Thomas)
We cherish someone even though we know all their faults and weaknesses. Thomas describes practical ways to cherish your spouse: pay attention, support and encourage instead of criticize, and avoid contempt.

Cherishing the Differences in Your Spouse (Dr. Greg and Mrs. Erin Smalley) 
The Smalleys offer a light-hearted look at common gender differences—and how those have played out in their marriage. They urge husbands and wives to focus on what’s good about their spouse and embrace differences.

The Christian Family (Dr. Tony Evans)
Using Psalm 128:1-4, Evans discusses the roles of husband and wife, the importance of raising children in a good atmosphere, the man’s responsibility to take his family to church, and the blessing of the Lord.

 Connecting As a Couple Despite Your Differences (Jim and Jean Daly) 
The Dalys share the differences they experienced early in their relationship. They offer how they’ve learned to make time for each another—and the importance of praying and studying Scripture as a couple.

Connecting With Your Busy Spouse (Mark and Susan Merrill)
We lead busy lives, and our marriage often pays the price. Find fun and creative ways to connect with your spouse, learn to handle loneliness, and develop stronger intimacy and trust.

Cracking the Code to Your Spouse’s Heart (Bill and Pam Farrel)
The Farrels help couples understand two basic needs: success for husbands and security for wives. Learning to live selflessly and look out for the other’s best interests can lead to the true oneness God designed for marriage.

Cultivating a Kingdom Marriage (Tony Evans)
Evans explains how couples can fulfill God’s design and purpose for their marriage. He shares about maintaining oneness and rebuilding a marriage relationship that’s been fractured.

Dating Your Mate: Overcoming the Challenges (Dr. Greg and Mrs. Erin Smalley)
The Smalleys offer helpful suggestions and encouragement for couples to regularly reconnect away from home and kids in order to revitalize their marriage.

Discovering the Secrets of a Happy Marriage (Fawn Weaver)
Weaver interviewed couples from around the world. She shares what her research shows about seeking the best in your spouse and choosing happiness in your marriage.

Drawing Closer to God and Each Other (Gary Thomas) 
Thomas discusses how couples can intentionally put away selfishness and pursue oneness in marriage by finding confidence in God and seeking His Kingdom first.

Embracing God’s Desire for Your Marriage (Gary Thomas) 
Thomas describes covenant, committed marriage. Husbands and wives can experience ever-increasing joy when they’re able to view their marriage as an act of worship to the Lord.

Embracing the Various Seasons of Marriage (Dr. Gary Chapman)
Chapman explains how couples go through four seasons of marriage—spring, summer, fall, and winter—and how to thrive in each one. 

Energizing Your Marriage With Love and Respect (Dr. Emerson and Sarah Eggerichs)
One of a wife’s deepest needs is love, and one of a husband’s deepest needs is respect. Eggerichs and his wife offer insight and practical advice in a discussion based on his book Love & Respect.

Establishing Good Communication in Your Marriage (Dr. David Clarke)
Clarke explains how couples can strengthen their marriage: Improve communication skills, address communication styles, navigate conflict, and initiate conversation.

Establishing Healthy Boundaries With Your In-Laws (Dr. Henry Cloud, Dr. John Townsend) 
Cloud and Townsend offer insights to help couples value their in-laws and build strong relationships with them while also establishing their own family identity.

Filling Your Love Tanks (Dr. Dennis Swanberg) 
With his trademark mix of impressions, stories, and homespun wisdom, Swanberg delivers a touching and humorous message about recognizing what encourages our family so we can love them better.

Finding Strength in Each Other’s Differences (Bill and Pam Farrel) 
Men tend to compartmentalize their lives, while women integrate every facet of theirs. How do these approaches to life affect a marriage? How can spouses understand one another’s differences and learn to delight in them?

For Better or Worse, in Laughter or in Loss (Rick Burgess and Bill “Bubba” Bussey) 
Marriage isn’t perfect. But with humor and vulnerability, Rick and Bubba encourage husbands to remember God’s calling: love their wives, be the spiritual leaders of their homes—and always rinse the dishes before putting them in the dishwasher!

Friendship or Flirtation: Danger Signs for Couples (Pastor Dave Carder) 
Learn the danger signs of friendships that could easily blossom into affairs—a particular problem given the increasing use of online social media. Carder shares how to become aware of inappropriate intimacy in “close-call” friendships.

Fun Ways to Pep Up Your Marriage (Kathi Lipp) 
Lipp offers practical, fun ways married couples can improve their relationship and prioritize time together. 

God’s Blueprint for a Healthy Marriage (Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Kathy Keller) 
The Kellers outline God’s design for marriage. They offer stories from their marriage and remind listeners that marriage is intended to shape and mold each spouse and bring about their sanctification.

His and Her Brains: The Humorous Side of Marriage (Mark Gungor, Yvette Maher) 
Gungor humorously illustrates how men and women think differently, and he encourages husbands and wives to strengthen their marriage by accepting their differences.

How Your Differences Strengthen Your Marriage (Dr. Walt and Mrs. Barb Larimore) 
With anecdotes of how their own idiosyncrasies have caused some frustrations, the Larimores emphasize that learning to understand how men and women think and communicate can help you appreciate the unique design of your spouse.

Improving the Climate of Your Marriage (Dr. Tim Muehlhoff) 
Muehlhoff talks about four areas of marriage as they relate to the communication climate of marriage: acknowledgement, trust, expectations, and commitment. Learn to work through conflict and love each other and God better.

Injecting Fun Into Your Marriage (Dr. Greg Smalley) 
Smalley encourages husbands and wives to be aware of differing expectations in marriage. You can maintain a strong connection by prioritizing your relationship through date nights.

The Joys and Challenges of Marrying Your Opposite (Melanie Shankle)
With humor and compassion, Shankle discusses the differences between men and women—and how she and her husband have worked through issues like in-law relationships and illness.

Learning Your Spouse’s Love Language (Dr. Gary Chapman) 
Chapman describes the five love languages: words of affirmation, gifts, physical touch, quality time, and acts of service.

A Lighthearted Look at Wedded Bliss (John Branyan)
Comedian Branyan talks about living with a spouse who’s your polar opposite and about the wonder of true love.

Listeners Share Their Best Advice on Marriage (call-in)
Listeners share their stories and offer advice about how to build and maintain a strong marriage. Hear practical tips for communication, conflict management, spiritual growth, intimacy, and more.

Living Your Marriage in View of Eternity (Francis and Lisa Chan) 
The Chans share an eternal perspective on how to maximize marriage to glorify God, positively impact others, and discover a joy that’s deeper than any temporary pleasure on earth.

Making Marriage a Joyful Journey (Dr. Adrian Rogers) 
Rogers talks about the 3 C’s of a lifelong marriage: lasting commitment, loving communication, and loyal confrontation.

Making Win-Win Decisions in Marriage (Dr. Greg and Mrs. Erin Smalley)
The Smalleys have learned in their marriage to reach decisions they both feel good about. They share their methods and how to work as a team to agree on decisions affecting their marriage and family.

 Making Your Marriage Happy Now and Later (Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott)
The Parrotts offer practical suggestions to help listeners draw closer to their spouse and increase their level of happiness, no matter how long they’ve been married.

Marriage in the Stressful World of NASCAR (Mr. Darrell and Mrs. Stevie Waltrip)
The Waltrips describe how God strengthened their faith and marriage during Darrell’s long racing career.

Nurturing Your Spouse’s Heart (Dr. Greg Smalley) 
In a light-hearted look at marriage, Smalley offers advice on how to nourish and cherish your spouse’s heart.

Practical Advice for Protecting Your Marriage (Jerry Jenkins) 
Jenkins explains how couples can guard against infidelity in a discussion based on his book Hedges: Loving Your Marriage Enough to Protect It.

Promoting a Positive View of Marriage (Pastor Ted Cunningham) 
Cunningham talks about why Christians need to present marriage as a positive, God-designed relationship that’s normative for most people. Marriage can be challenging, but with the Lord’s loving guidance, we can build a joyful, lifelong relationship.

Reclaiming Time to Connect With Your Spouse (Dr. Greg Smalley)
Just a few intentional minutes throughout the day—have coffee, go on a date, express gratitude, and pray for each other—can reawaken the passion in your relationship.

Rediscovering the Marriage of Your Dreams (Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley)
The Smalleys explain how they found renewed joy and fulfillment after being “stuck” in a seemingly endless cycle of unhealthy conflict.

The Robisons: Fifty Years of Love (James and Betty Robison) 
The Robisons share about their 50-plus-year journey in marriage and ministry to describe how God grew them together—and to talk about the importance of commitment, communication, trust, and humility.

Saving Marriages Before They Start (Roger and Diane Ingolia) 
The Ingolias pass along wisdom they’ve learned from 37 years of marriage. They talk about the value of helping other marriages thrive by investing in young couples.

Uncovering the Secrets to a Happy Marriage (Shaunti Feldhahn) Feldhahn researched the secrets to a happy marriage and found practical ways to move toward a more Christ-like relationship with your spouse.

Understanding How Birth Order Impacts Your Marriage (Dr. Kevin Leman) 
Leman explains how birth order plays a role in the way you interact as a married couple. Learn to manage challenges that often stem from placement in families of origin. 

Understanding Your Spouse’s Emotions (Drs. David and Jan Stoop)
The Stoops share their SMART acronym: S—self-awareness of your emotions; M—managing your emotions; A—accountability; R—reading the other person’s emotions; and T—together in the land of emotions.

Unlocking the Secrets to Lifelong Love (Dr. Greg and Mrs. Erin Smalley)
The Smalleys give practical advice on communication habits, the roles of sacrifice and service in marriage, and how to keep romance fresh and thriving.

What You Can Learn From the Bible’s Couples  (Dr. David Clarke) 
Clarke believes couples from the Bible can teach lessons about marriage today. Adam and Eve failed to work together as a team to fight temptation and sin; Abraham and Sarah acted selfishly toward each other; and Isaac and Rebekah focused more on their children than their marriage. But with God’s help, we can be committed to each other, much like Joseph and Mary. 

The Family Project™: A Divine Reflection by Focus on the Family) 
This small group curriculum explores the theological, philosophical, and cultural foundation for the family. 12 sessions cover marriage, sexuality, family relationships, and how families can serve God. Visit The Family Project website to learn more.

Guardrails by Andy Stanley (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“Avoiding Regrets in Your Life”—six sessions

Focus on Marriage Assessment
Based on research and experience from Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, we’ve created valid and reliable questions that evaluate the strength of 12 essential traits of your marriage—areas such as communication, conflict, and commitment. The assessment is free and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Hope Restored® marriage intensives—a ministry of Focus on the Family
Our intensive programs are held in a retreat setting and are designed to rebuild and restore marriages experiencing significant hurt.

Love and Respect Ministries
This ministry offers materials, articles, and conferences designed to help those already married to enrich their relationship and to prepare those considering marriage for the journey.

This online relationship inventory and skill-building program is uniquely tailored to each couple, whether dating, engaged, or married.