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GIVE FAMILIES HOPE this Christmas!

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GIVE FAMILIES HOPE this Christmas!

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Resources: Marriage in the Second Half of Life


Marriage in the Second Half of Life


Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books,
referral recommendations, and more.

6 Secrets to a Lasting Love by Dr. Gary and Mrs. Barbara Rosberg 
“Recapturing Your Dream Marriage”

10 Great Dates for Empty Nesters by David and Claudia Arp 
When the kids are gone, and it’s just the two of you, do you know each other anymore? Learn to reconnect and renew a strong friendship and love life.

The DNA of Relationships by Dr. Gary Smalley 
“Discover How You Are Designed for Satisfying Relationships”

Each for the Other: Marriage As It’s Meant to Be by Bryan and Kathy Chapell 
Whether you’re engaged, newly married, or in a seasoned marriage, Each for the Other offers indispensable truths on how to sacrificially love your spouse.

Married and Still Loving It by Gary Chapman and Harold Myra 
“The Joys and Challenges of the Second Half”

The Meaning of Marriage by Timothy Keller 
“Facing the Complexities of Commitment With the Wisdom of God”

The Second Half of Marriage by David and Claudia Arp 
“Facing the Eight Challenges of the Empty-Nest Years”

Building a Marriage That Will Go the Distance (Dr. Gary and Mrs. Barbara Rosberg)
The Rosbergs offer biblically based insights from their book 6 Secrets to a Lasting Love: Recapturing Your Dream Marriage.

Building Your Marriage to Last a Lifetime (Dr. Gary Smalley, Pastor Ted Cunningham)
Rediscover and nurture the passionate love and close companionship you enjoyed in the early days of your relationship.

God’s Blueprint for a Healthy Marriage (Dr. Timothy and Mrs. Kathy Keller) 
The Kellers outline the biblical account of God’s design for marriage. They offer stories from their own marriage and remind listeners that marriage is intended to shape and mold each spouse and bring about their sanctification.

Keeping Your Marriage Strong Through the Years (Dr. Paul and Mrs. Teri Reisser)
Among other topics, the Reissers discuss how the dynamics of marriage change in the latter years when the children are gone. But with a good groundwork of communication in the years prior, a couple can enjoy the new season.

Tackling Midlife Transitions in Marriage (Bill and Pam Farrel) 
The Farrels share how to approach midlife transitions while keeping your marriage strong. Communication is key, as well as keeping your hearts connected and centered on God.

Thriving in the Second Half of Marriage (Dr. Gary Chapman)
Chapman explains how he and his wife have learned to appreciate the joys and challenges of this season, understanding their role in modeling a faithful commitment to marriage “until death do us part.”

Twenty-Five Years and Still in Love (Reverend Bob Kraning) 
Kraning shares from Ephesians 4:25-32 to underscore principles that have helped him and his wife develop a strong marriage: speak the truth, work through anger with open communication, agree to disagree, give your time to your spouse and family, allow your spouse to be an individual, be sensitive in handling money, be trustworthy, guard your tongue, and be kind and forgiving.

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Hope Restored® marriage intensives—a ministry of Focus on the Family
Our intensive programs are held in a retreat setting and are designed to rebuild and restore marriages experiencing significant hurt.

Love and Respect Ministries
This ministry helps couples learn the delicate balance of love and respect within marriage.

Marriage Alive International, Inc.
David and Claudia Arp offer resources to meet the needs of married couples at different life stages.

Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott
The Parrotts offer marriage seminars and a variety of assessment tools to help people develop healthy relationships.

This online relationship inventory and skill-building program is uniquely tailored to each couple.