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Resources: Remarriage & Blended Families


Remarriage & Blended Families


Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books,
referral recommendations, and more.

The 5 Love Languages of Teenagers by Gary Chapman 
Learn to understand the path your teen is traveling, how to handle their needs for independence and responsibility, and how best to love them during this season.

101 Questions to Ask Before You Get Remarried by H. Norman Wright
Wright helps readers know their own views and understand where they agree and disagree with their future mates on finances, roles, sexuality, children, responsibilities, and previous relationship issues.

101 Tips for the Smart Stepmom by Laura Petherbridge 
From one stepmom to another, this book offers helpful takeaways on everything from how to handle feeling like an outsider, to dealing with finances and holidays, to communicating effectively with your husband, and more.

Building Love Together in Blended Families by Dr. Gary Chapman and Ron Deal
Blended families face unique challenges – and sadly, good intentions aren’t always enough. With so many complex relationships involved, all the normal rules for family life change, even how you apply something as simple as the five love languages.

But I’m Not a Wicked Stepmother! (Digital eBook) by Kathi Lipp and Carol Boley 
Find practical, been-there advice about protecting your relationship with God and your spouse while you learn to blend two families into one.

Co-Parenting Works! by Tammy Daughtry 
Daughtry shares strategies you and your former spouse can implement to help your children thrive – including how to integrate stepparents into your co-parenting team.

Daily Encouragement for the Smart Stepfamily by Ron Deal and Dianne Neal Matthews
A 365-day devotional for blended families. Sharing these readings with your spouse – and, when appropriate, kids – will spark valuable conversations that strengthen family understanding and closeness.

Dating After Divorce: Preparing for a New Relationship by David and Lisa Frisbie
Sharing stories from those who choose to remain single as well as those who remarry, the Frisbies help you consider whether you’re ready for a new relationship – and, if so, how to move forward.

Growing Through Divorce by Jim Smoke 
Smoke offers guidelines for facing changes associated with divorce: accepting new roles, responsibilities, and relationships; single parenting; weekend parenting; and step-parenting.

The Heart of Remarriage by Gary Smalley and Greg Smalley 
Learn to work through past hurts and prepare for remarriage. The Smalleys discuss the unique roles of husbands and wives in blended families and offer tips for whole-heartedly loving your spouse, children, and stepchildren.

Helping Children Survive Divorce by Dr. Archibald Hart 
Hart examines the effects of divorce on each person in the family, especially children. He also offers do’s and don’ts for successfully building a blended family.

I Do Again by Cheryl and Jeff Scruggs 
Rediscovering their original love more than seven years after divorcing, the Scruggs share their journey – from an affair, to divorce, to prayerfully seeking redemption and restoration.

Preparing to Blend by Ron Deal
“The Couple’s Guide to Becoming a Smart Stepfamily.” You, your soon-to-be-spouse, and your children will benefit from exercises designed to accelerate family bonding and help you better understand each other.

The Re-Marriage Adventure: Preparing for a Lifetime of Love & Happiness (Digital eBook) by Dale and Susan Mathis 
Couples entering second marriages want to build a strong foundation – and this easy-to-use guide offers insights and suggestions to help you grow as a couple and address second marriage and blended family challenges.

Restored & Remarried by Gil and Brenda Stuart 
“Encouragement for Remarried Couples in a Stepfamily”

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (Video Study) by Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott 
The Parrotts help you explore and strengthen relationship skills so you and your spouse can build a strong and joyful future. This study includes seven sessions for any engaged couple and a bonus session addressing remarriage. (DVD purchase includes free streaming option)

The Smart Stepfamily by Ron Deal 
With a biblical perspective, Deal helps remarried and soon-to-be-married couples solve everyday puzzles of step-parenting, learn to communicate with former spouses, deal with common pitfalls, and much more.

The Smart Stepfamily Guide to Financial Planning by Ron Deal, Greg Pettys, and David Edwards
“Money Management Before and After You Blend a Family”

The Smart Stepfamily Marriage by Ron Deal and David Olson 
Deal and Olson write for stepfamilies in all seasons of life – dating or engaged, young or empty-nesters – and show you how to build a lasting remarriage.

Undone: A Story of Making Peace With an Unexpected Life by Michele Cushatt
Cushatt describes her journey through a broken marriage, single parenting, remarriage, blending a family, cancer, and adopting three children – all to point to a sovereign Lord who offers peace to those who seek Him.

Winning the Heart of Your Stepchild by Dr. Robert Barnes 
In this hands-on guidebook for those faced with the challenge of blending families, Barnes addresses single-parent dating, adjustment problems in a blended family, disciplining as a team, and more.

Are You Ready To Remarry? (Ron Deal)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD – Watch on YouTube Part 1 and Part 2
Ron discusses the importance of drawing a “family map” to identify the complex web of relationships with kids, step-kids, ex-spouses and their partners, and extended family.

Blending Your Family After the Loss of a Spouse (Danny and Rayna Oertli)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD
Danny lost his first wife to cancer, leaving him a single parent to two children. He and Rayna discuss the emotional, spiritual, and relational challenges they faced – and overcame – in becoming a blended family.

Co-Parenting: Helping Your Child Thrive After Divorce (Ron Deal, Tammy Daughtry)
Digital download
Deal and Daughtry bring solid advice and insights into the world of the divorced parent who wants to help their children grow up in a healthy, loving environment – while cooperating as much as possible with the former spouse.

Cultivating Love in Blended Families (Dr. Gary Chapman, Ron Deal)
Digital downloadPurchase a CD – Watch on YouTube Part 1 and Part 2
Dr. Gary Chapman and Ron Deal explore the unique challenges blended families face including finding your role as a stepparent, helping stepsiblings become comfortable with you and one another, and connecting with adult stepchildren you might rarely see.

Dating Advice for the Single Parent (Ron Deal)
Digital download
Deal offers singles practical wisdom and encourages them to have patience as they rely on God’s wisdom to navigate the challenges of dating while raising children.

Encouragement for Remarried Couples (Gil and Brenda Stuart)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital downloadPurchase a CD
The Stuarts talk candidly about the pain associated with the loss of a previous marriage and the difficulties of navigating through issues for the kids when mom or dad remarries.

God’s Word on Divorce and Remarriage (Dr. John MacArthur)
Digital download
MacArthur discusses the clear scriptural guidelines regarding divorce and remarriage. He explains that God allows divorce for specific reasons, and that there is possibility of remarriage without guilt or stigma.

Help and Hope for Stepfamilies (Ron Deal)
Digital download
Deal describes some of the unique challenges facing stepfamilies. He offers practical advice to stepparents and couples, including being intentional about protecting your marriage while also connecting with your kids.

Hope and Encouragement for Stepmoms (Kathi Lipp, Carol Boley)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2Digital download
Lipp and Boley share their stories as stepmothers – about loving their biological children and their stepchildren, and about the importance of building trust in the relationship between stepmom and stepchild. They address issues of discipline and forgiveness, and they encourage stepmoms to take things one day at a time.

Improving Your Marriage As a Blended Family Couple (Ron Deal)
Stream this program Part 1 and Part 2
Deal talks about fear and distrust, the need for a relaxed attitude about change, and why step-couples need to humbly recognize their own faults instead of criticizing each other.

The Joys and Struggles of Being a Stepmom (Panel)
Digital download
Several seasoned stepmoms offer insight and encouragement as they address the challenges of being part of a blended family.

Remarriage: Building a Strong Foundation (Dr. Gary Smalley, Dr. Greg Smalley)
Digital download
The Smalleys talk about potential challenges stepfamilies face. They help couples in the remarriage process learn to heal past hurts so they can be filled with God’s love—and allow that love to overflow to each other and their families.

Thriving As a Stepdad (Ron Deal)
Digital download
Blended families boil down to two things: competing attachments and becoming a family. Deal offers suggestions for stepdads as they face unique challenges, and he encourages them to be the men God has called them to be.

Thriving in Your Role as a Stepmom (Laura Petherbridge, Ron Deal)
Digital download
Stepmoms often struggle with their identity because their role in the blended family is not clearly defined. Deal and Petherbridge offer insights and advice to help you thrive.

Walking Through Grief With Your Child (Kathleen Fucci)
Stream this programDigital downloadPurchase a CD
As the new bride of a widower, Fucci stepped into the overwhelming role of mom to three grieving children. Years later she shares what she learned about the grieving process and ways to help your child deal with loss.

Saving Your Marriage Before It Starts (Zondervan) 
Drs. Les and Leslie Parrott focus on seven time-tested questions to debunk myths, bridge the gender gap, and help you develop skills you’ll need for a loving and lasting future together as husband and wife. (The kit includes a 9-session DVD, one copy of the Parrotts’ book, a leader’s guide, one woman’s workbook, and one man’s workbook.)

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Hope Restored® marriage intensives—a ministry of Focus on the Family
Our intensive programs are held in a retreat setting and are designed to rebuild and restore marriages experiencing significant hurt.

Blending a Family
This ministry guides remarried couples and their children through challenges of becoming a blended family.

Cloud-Townsend Resources
Henry Cloud and John Townsend offer insight and solutions for questions about personal and spiritual growth, marriage, and parenting.

Co-Parenting International
This organization brings hope to divorced and remarried parents—as well as to counselors, coaches, and churches—so they can help children grow up with the opportunity to thrive.

FamilyLife Blended and Smart Stepfamilies (FamilyLife)
Find resources to support remarried couples and blended families, and to equip churches for outreach.

The HomeWord Center for Youth and Family 
Jim Burns and Azusa Pacific University partner to provide information related to marriage and parenting, including topics unique to blended families.

This online relationship inventory and skill-building program is uniquely tailored to each couple, whether dating, engaged, or married.