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Resources: Homosexuality



Focus on the Family is committed to upholding God’s design for the expression of human sexuality: a husband and wife in a marriage relationship. We also hold to the scriptural truth that a relationship with God through Jesus Christ brings transformation and power over sin. We reach out with compassion and respect to individuals, families, and churches affected by homosexuality. These resources may be helpful as a starting point for those looking for hope and healing.

A Change of Affection: A Gay Man’s Incredible Story of Redemption by Beckett Cook
The powerful, dramatic story of how a successful Hollywood set designer whose identity was deeply rooted in his homosexuality came to be suddenly and utterly transformed by the power of the gospel.

The Bible and Homosexual Practice: Text and Hermeneutics by Robert A. Gagnon
With clarity and compassion, Gagnon uses biblical and historical text to explain why same-sex intercourse is sin. He challenges readers to consider how to uphold God’s command to love Him and our neighbors.

Coming Out of Homosexuality: New Freedom for Men and Women by Bob Davies and Lori Rentzel
Find answers for what it means to be a man or a woman, how your past relates to your present, how you can form healthy relationships, and how your healing may prepare you for heterosexual marriage.

Growth Into Manhood: Resuming the Journey by Alan P. Medinger
Medinger encourages others in their healing process by sharing about his release from homosexuality and his growth into biblical masculinity.

Healing the Masculine Soul by Gordon Dalbey
Men’s souls are often torn between strength and sensitivity. Dalbey offers a refreshing picture of God’s design for the masculine soul and dares men to be as God created them.

If I Tell You I’m Gay, Will You Still Love Me? by Ann Mobley
“One Mother’s Journey to Find Truth and Grace”

Is God Anti-Gay? by Sam Allberry
This easy-to-understand book offers scriptural truths about marriage, sexuality, and same-sex attraction.

Love Into Light: The Gospel, the Homosexual, and the Church by Peter Hubbard
Hubbard encourages the Church to humbly engage those who experience same-sex attraction, drawing them to God’s heart.

Love Kindness by Barry Corey (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“Discover the Power of a Forgotten Christian Virtue”

Loving My (LGBT) Neighbor by Glenn Stanton
“Being Friends in Grace and Truth”

Messy Grace by Caleb Kaltenbach (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“How a Pastor With Gay Parents Learned to Love Others Without Sacrificing Conviction”

Out of a Far Country by Christopher Yuan
A Gay Son’s Journey to God. A Broken Mother’s Search for Hope.”

Outlasting the Gay Revolution by Michael Brown, Ph.D. (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“Where Homosexual Activism Is Really Going and How to Turn the Tide”

Pursuing Sexual Wholeness by Andrew Comiskey (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“How Jesus Heals the Homosexual”

Restoring Sexual Identity: Hope for Women Who Struggle With Same-Sex Attraction by Anne Paulk
Paulk left a lesbian lifestyle after coming to Christ. She explores questions women and their families and friends often ask.

Someone I Love Is Gay by Bob Davies and Anita Worthen (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
Learn to understand your emotions and how to respond to a gay-identified spouse, child, relative, or friend with the truth about homosexuality—without being judgmental.

Straight & Narrow? by Thomas E. Schmidt (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
“Compassion & Clarity in the Homosexuality Debate”

The Truth Comes Out: The Story of My Heart’s Transformation by Nancy Heche (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
After losing her husband to AIDS and her son in a car crash, Heche’s youngest daughter, Anne, became involved in a high-profile lesbian relationship. Heche shares how Scripture helped her through despair.

What Does the Bible Really Teach About Homosexuality? by Kevin DeYoung
DeYoung explores Old and New Testament teachings regarding sexuality, and he answers objections raised by Christians and non-Christians.

Out of Egypt: One Woman’s Journey Away From Lesbianism 
Offering compassionate guidance based on her five-year journey away from lesbianism after coming to Christ, Howard encourages women who struggle with same-sex attraction, as well as those who counsel them.

Into the Promised Land: Beyond the Lesbian Struggle 
“I have not married and produced children, and I have not returned to old ways of lesbian sexual relationships. … I want to share with you the ways in which I have addressed this path so that you too can experience a ‘purposeful pilgrimage’ and enter the Promised Land, rather than experiencing a ‘weary wandering’ heading nowhere.”

Dwelling in the Land 
“Bringing Same-Sex Attraction Under the Lordship of Christ”

Desires in Conflict: Hope for Men Who Struggle With Sexual Identity
Dallas offers reassurance and practical advice to the Christian dealing with same-sex attraction—and he includes an orthodox interpretation of Scripture that refutes pro-gay theology.

When Homosexuality Hits Home: What to do When a Loved One Says, “I’m Gay”
Dallas explains how to blend compassion and conviction. Understand the causes of homosexuality, the struggles your relative     has faced, and the steps you can take to strengthen your relationship.

The Gay Gospel? How Pro-Gay Advocates Misread the Bible 
With a balanced, straightforward approach, Dallas provides tools to communicate truth to those who have adopted a pro-gay gospel.      

The Complete Christian Guide to Understanding Homosexuality by Joe Dallas and Nancy Heche (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
For families, pastors, counselors, and those who struggle with same-sex attraction, Dallas and Heche offer insights on homosexual marriage and adoption, how to respond when a friend announces that he or she is gay-identified, and more.

The Secret Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert 
Butterfield was involved in a lesbian relationship—until she encountered God. And as she says, “Sometimes in crisis, we don’t really learn lessons. Sometimes the result is simpler and more profound: sometimes our character is simply transformed.”    

Openness Unhindered 
“Further Thoughts of an Unlikely Convert on Sexual Identity and Union With Christ”

Accepting My True Identity in Christ (Rosaria Champagne Butterfield) 
Butterfield was a tenured English professor living as a lesbian. She was vehemently opposed to Christians and the Bible, but to write a book, she began researching God’s Word from a feminist point of view. During this process, she was given hospitality by an older pastor and his wife—and through their friendship she became a Christian. Butterfield is now a home-schooling pastor’s wife, writer, and speaker.

Becoming the Woman God Made Me to Be (Linda Seiler)
Seiler shares about growing up wishing she was a boy. Her struggle lasted for over 20 years, with gender confusion, same-sex attraction, and pornography addiction. After confessing her secret to a college pastor who revealed God’s compassion and grace, Linda spent 11 years seeking healing and restoration of her identity as a woman. Today she regularly interacts with college students about God’s truth regarding gender identity, homosexuality, and other hot-button issues.

How Should We Respond to Homosexuality (Joe Dallas) 
Dallas, a former homosexual, calls on the Church to repent of hostility and recommit to bold love. He encourages Christians not to be intimidated by the gay rights movement but to promote truth and to build and provide a place of safety, keeping in mind the eternal souls of all people.

Loving Others Without Sacrificing Conviction (Pastor Caleb Kaltenbach)
Kaltenbach shares his story of growing up with gay parents, and the hatred his family experienced from Christians. He shares how he became a Christian and eventually a pastor. He explains that we can learn to live in the tension of grace and truth when loving those in the LGBT community. Jesus loved everyone without compromising truth; so can we—even when it’s messy.

Navigating Sexual Sin to Find Your Identity in Christ (Rosaria Champagne Butterfield) 
Butterfield shares further about her transformation from feminism and lesbianism to faith in Christ. Her experience gives insight into how culture views sexuality, sexual identity, sexual sin, repentance, and more. She also offers advice about staying true to God’s Word while being a witness of God’s love to people in the LGBT community.

Reclaiming Your Identity in the Father’s Love (Dennis Jernigan) 
Jernigan shares how music and a praying grandmother helped him weather a decade of bullies and insults because of his sexual struggles. He shares how he left his sexual sin behind and embraced the hope of Christ—and he encourages others to reclaim their identity, too.

Transformed by Grace: Leaving Homosexuality to Follow Christ (Beckett Cook) 
Becket Cook shares his story as a former homosexual who worked in the world of fashion and lived a promiscuous lifestyle until he had a transforming encounter with Jesus Christ which led him to walk away from homosexuality.

Using Kindness to Open Doors in the Culture (Dr. Barry Corey)
Corey sheds light on the Bible’s definition of kindness and describes how Christians can effectively live it out. We need a firm center (theological conviction) with soft edges (kindness).

When Your Child Struggles With Their Sexual Identity (Ann Mobley) 
How should a parent respond to a child who is struggling with their sexual identity? When Mobley’s son let her know that he was gay, it brought on a flood of emotions, but her very first action was to give him a hug and let him know that she would always love him. Now she helps other parents work through similar circumstances.

Sing Over Me (DVD) (not currently available through Focus on the Family)
This film documents Dennis Jernigan’s struggle with homosexuality and the freedom he found though Christ.

Are People Born Gay?
A Look at What the Research Shows and What It Means for You

Empowering Parents
A How-to Guide for Protecting Your Child’s Innocence and Your Family’s Values in Public School

Equipping Parents to Respond to Gender-Confusing Messages in School
Our issue analysts offer information and guidance for parents faced with gender confusion in their children’s schools.

How to Talk to Your Children About Homosexuality
Learn to talk to your children about encountering homosexuality in the culture.

How Should We Respond?
An Exhortation to the Church on Loving the Homosexual

Talking to Your Church About Homosexuality
A Guide for Pastors and Church Leaders

Understanding Male Homosexuality
God’s Power to Change Lives

What Does the Bible Say About Homosexuality?
Answering Revisionist Gay Theology

When a Loved One Says, “I’m Gay”
Whether you’re a spouse, friend, or other family member, you’ll find helpful suggestions and guidance in this parent’s resource. We also have articles specifically tailored to spouses, children, and friends.

Homosexuality: When the Truth Comes Out

Someone I Love Is Gay                                                    

Understanding Male Homosexuality               

Understanding Revisionist Gay Theology        

Understanding Homosexuality
Culture faces a lot of issues regarding sexuality. Here at Focus on the Family, we care about helping families understand the complexities of sexual attraction and sexual identity labels—and how best to address difficult questions with biblical wisdom, love, and compassion.

Talking to Your Children About Transgender Issues
Find information and resources related to transgenderism (also called gender dysphoria, gender confusion, or gender identity disorder).

Is My Teen Struggling With Homosexuality?
As a parent, you may be worried that your child wrestles with same-sex attraction, behavior or identity. 

Articles and other resources help you navigate issues of sexuality in the culture.

Reliable Resources for Teaching Children About Marriage, Sexuality and Homosexuality
The materials listed here equip you to teach your children about homosexuality, healthy sexuality, and marriage. They also offer information and support for responding to your child’s school when controversial topics are discussed. In addition, some resources will be valuable to those looking for help when facing the issues of homosexuality and gender confusion in the family, church, or culture.


Resource Lists

The websites included below deal with sensitive, difficult issues and may contain content for mature readers. Referrals to websites not produced by Focus on the Family are for informational purposes only and do not necessarily constitute an endorsement of all a site’s content.

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

The Alliance for Therapeutic Choice and Scientific Integrity
“A multi-disciplinary professional and scientific organization dedicated to preserving the right of individuals to obtain the services of a therapist who honors their values, advocating for integrity and objectivity in social science research, and ensuring that competent licensed, professional assistance is available for persons who experience unwanted homosexual attractions.”

Courage International, Inc.
This apostolate of the Catholic Church ministers to those with same-sex attraction and their loved ones.

Desert Stream Ministries
This ministry offers Christ-centered help for those who struggle with sexual and relationship issues.

Exodus Global Alliance
Exodus Global Alliance provides recommendations of ministries and other resources outside the United States.

The Institute for Marital Healing
Richard Fitzgibbons has spent over 30 years helping people deal with marriage and family issues, forgiveness, homosexuality, and gender dysphoria/gender identity disorder.

Linda Seiler
“Seiler once had plans to have sex reassignment surgery, change her name to David, and live happily ever after. But her life and message are a testament to the power of God to change everything.”

Parents and Friends of Ex-Gays and Gays (PFOX)
This group provides hope, support, and facts for those whose lives have been affected by homosexuality.

Restored Hope Network
This coalition of ministries reaches out to those who struggle with sexual sin, particularly homosexuality.

Sy Rogers Communications
Rogers tells his story of leaving homosexuality and transgenderism, speaks about redemption for broken sexuality, and offers help for pure living in our hyper-sexualized culture.