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Resources: Military Issues


Military Issues

Find Focus on the Family broadcasts, best-in-class books,
referral recommendations, and more.

The 5 Love Languages: Military Edition by Gary Chapman and Jocelyn Green 
Husbands and wives can learn to express their love and strengthen their marriage in spite of unique military challenges such as deployment, reintegration, and combat trauma.

After the Boxes Are Unpacked: Moving on After Moving In by Susan Miller 
Having moved many times, Miller offers advice for women who are facing a move. She talks about the physical and emotional aspects of moving and shares tips for helping your family adjust.

Battlefields & Blessings by Jane Hampton Cook, John Croushorn, and Jocelyn Green 
“Stories of Faith and Courage From the War in Iraq & Afghanistan”

Called to Serve: Encouragement, Support, and Inspiration for Military Families by Lt. Col. Tony and Mrs. Penny Monetti 
Drawing from their own military experience, the Monettis identify top stressors facing soldiers and their families. They offer biblical encouragement to help you meet the demands and responsibilities of military life.

Faith Deployed: Daily Encouragement for Military Wives by Jocelyn Green 
Devotionals offer encouragement and advice on topics ranging from solitude to guarding against temptation to being ambassadors for Christ.

God Strong: The Military Wife’s Spiritual Survival Guide by Sara Horn 
Horn shares wisdom from her experience, as well as from other military wives. You can have true joy, regardless of your circumstances, when you rely on God’s promises in Scripture and comfort through the Holy Spirit.

Heroes at Home: Help & Hope for America’s Military Families by Ellie Kay
Kay provides practical help and encouragement for the spouses of active-duty military personnel. Topics include managing holidays, moving, handling stress, volunteering, and living on a budget.

Hope Unseen by Scott Smiley and Doug Crandall 
“The Story of the U.S. Army’s First Blind Active-Duty Officer”

Marriage Advance: Love Never Gives Up by Chad and Kathy Robichaux 
Chad returned from eight tours of duty in Afghanistan with PTSD. When other significant issues surfaced, too, the Robichauxs separated. But Kathy’s persistent faith and God’s work in Chad’s heart helped them find restoration.  

Portraits of Courage by George W. Bush 
“A Commander-in-Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors”

Stories of Faith and Courage From the Vietnam War by Larkin Spivey 
Larkin offers 365 true stories—along with maps, photographs, and historical overviews—to underscore courage, faith, and God’s unending love in the face of indescribable stress, sorrow, and darkness.

Two Wars: One Hero’s Fight on Two Fronts—Abroad and Within by Nate Self 
Outmanned and outgunned, Army Ranger Nate Self and his troops fought bravely against the Taliban in Afghanistan. But when it was over, he faced a different battle. In this account of his bout with post-traumatic stress disorder, he speaks about the intense struggles of that time—and his rescue from despair because of his family’s faith.

Evangelism on the Battlefield (Captain Chris Plekenpol)
Plekenpol shares stories from his time on the frontlines and speaks candidly about how his faith was shaken after losing his first soldier in combat. He also discusses how sharing Christ’s love can bring peace and comfort to soldiers in the midst of war.

Healing the Wounds of War (Dave Roever) 
During the Vietnam War, a grenade in Roever’s hand was hit by a sniper and exploded, nearly ending his life. Roever shares how God has worked all things together for good despite his injuries. Through stories from Vietnam, he inspires listeners with hope to overcome the trials of life. He encourages troops to not lose heart when things don’t go as planned. 

Honoring America’s Veterans (compilation)
These clips are presented to honor families who have sacrificed so that our country might have freedom. Hear personal reflections from soldiers, chaplains, and others (including remarks from Oliver North and Ronald Reagan).

Honoring Men and Women of Courage (Former President George W. Bush)
Former President Bush talks about his deep admiration and appreciation for our nation’s military veterans in a discussion centered on his book Portraits of Courage: A Commander-in-Chief’s Tribute to America’s Warriors

Honoring the Fallen on Memorial Day (call-in) 
Focus constituents share memories of loved ones who gave the ultimate sacrifice while defending our freedoms. Join us in honoring these fallen soldiers from the past 100 years.

How God Saved a Military Marriage (Chad and Kathy Robichaux)
Both from broken homes, the Robichauxs married right out of high school. They talk about Chad’s former struggles with PTSD, their separation, and how God saved their marriage.

Keeping Love Alive During Deployment (Dr. Gary Chapman, Mrs. Jocelyn Green) 
Chapman and Green share about particular concerns military spouses face during deployment—including unpredictable schedules, frequent moves, and reintegration—and how couples can deepen their connection.

Living by Faith, Not by Sight (Major Scott and Mrs. Tiffany Smiley)
Scott recounts being blinded by a suicide bomb attack in Iraq. He experienced a crisis of the soul, but his wife, Tiffany, eventually led him back to faith. As the Army’s first blind active-duty officer, Scott now counsels other wounded soldiers.

Serving My Country, Loving My Neighbor (Pastor John Murphy)
After a medical discharge from the Army, Murphy went through a dark season. God prompted his heart to overcome deep-seated racism towards Muslims—and to plant a church for Muslims and veterans.

Softening a Crusty Heart (Lieutenant Colonel Don Coble)
Coble describes his non-Christian upbringing, the misery of his life as an alcoholic and a workaholic, his resistance to his wife’s attempts to witness to him, and his eventual conversion to Christianity.

Focus on Marriage Assessment
Based on research and experience from Dr. Greg and Erin Smalley, we’ve created valid and reliable questions that evaluate the strength of 12 essential traits of your marriage—areas such as communication, conflict, and commitment. The assessment is free and takes about 10 minutes to complete.

Focus on the Family Counseling Consultation Line
If you need someone to talk to, Focus on the Family offers a free phone counseling consultation with a licensed or pastoral counselor. Call 1-855-771-HELP (4357), Monday through Friday, 6:00 AM to 8:00 PM (MT). 

Focus on the Family’s Christian Counselor Network
Search for licensed Christian counselors in your area.

Cadence International
Cadence centers around the world connect military personnel and their families with other Christians in fellowship, Bible study, and prayer.

Center for Military Readiness
This independent, non-partisan educational organization promotes sound military personnel policies in the armed forces.

Christian Military Fellowship
This association of believers is committed to evangelizing the U.S. Armed Forces and discipling Christians who are in the military—including all ranks, family members, and civilian employees.

Mighty Oaks Warrior Programs
“The Mighty Oaks Foundation is committed to serving the brokenhearted by providing intensive peer-based discipleship through a series of programs, outpost meetings, and speaking events.”

Military Community Youth Ministries
By combining the vision and skills of several Christian youth organizations, this group focuses on ministering to teens of military parents.

Military Ministry (Campus Crusade for Christ)
This organization serves military members, veterans, and families through direct ministry and partnerships with chaplains, churches, and other organizations.

The Navigators
The foundational roots of The Navigators is in ministry to the military. They have a conference center located in Colorado Springs, and they offer a variety of resources.

Officers’ Christian Fellowship
This organization exists to “glorify God by uniting officers for biblical fellowship and outreach, equipping and encouraging them to minister effectively in the military society.”