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Is Watching Porn a Sin?

June 15, 2024

Is watching porn a sin?


On occasion, I have well-intentioned Christians ask the question – “Is watching porn a sin?

I have heard this question enough times that I can perceive their rationale underneath the surface. “Sure, watching violent or abusive forms of porn is obviously wrong. What about pictures and videos of consenting adults? Isn’t it normal or even healthy to engage in a little bit of that? Don’t all people- men especially- have a natural struggle with this that we can’t really change? After all, there’s no mention of the word porn in the Bible. So what does the Bible say about porn when the “word” isn’t there?

The average church-attendee is being influenced by this line of reasoning. Perhaps we have begun, in the church, to reflect the views of this world than the true Word of God. So, is watching porn a sin? 

Is Watching Porn a Sin? Truth found in scripture.
Is Watching Porn a Sin? Let's seek truth together.


Before answering the question – Is Watching Porn a Sin? – we will benefit first from thinking about the word “sin” itself. What do we mean when we say that something is sinful? For many people, what comes immediately to mind is ‘right’ and ‘wrong’. To say a choice, activity or behavior is sinful is to say it is ‘wrong’. This definition of sin, however, is very limited. I have learned from my studies and education as a pastor that the original Hebrew word for sin carries the weight and meaning of ‘missing the mark’ or ‘veering off course’ from the life that God our Father has created us to live. This takes us to a deeper, fuller understanding of sin as being any choice or behavior that takes us away from God’s good plan for us.


We may be able to easily identify ways in which pornography is ‘wrong’. A few examples are:

  1. Turning human bodies into objects for lust.
  2. Forms of violence and sex-trafficking associated with the porn industry.
  3. The lies, deception and even affairs that can spring from someone caught in this trap.

But what if the most dangerous impact of porn is more subtle than that? The greatest danger of watching porn is being lead away from God and his heart for us?

Is Watching Porn a Sin? It certainly misses the mark.

More than 70% of Christian men admit to watching porn.

So, is watching porn a sin? Whether the answer to this question seems obvious to you or not, I believe we can all benefit from a deeper understanding of why watching porn in any form should be considered sinful.

Watching Porn is the wrong path.


One of the most oft-quoted passages of Scripture about lust and pornography in answering is watching porn a sin comes from the book of Job[1]: “I made a covenant with my eyes not to look lustfully at a girl…” This is a clear and compelling statement to be sure. What is unfortunate is how rarely we include the next few verses[2]: “For what is man’s lot from God above, his heritage from the Almighty on high? Is it not ruin for the wicked, disaster for those who do wrong? Does he not see my ways and count my every step?” When Job describes his integrity, he also describes the difference between the pathways of the wicked and the righteous. Job is helping us recognize that our lust- which pornography is- leads us in a direction. One path is accepting the ‘lot’ God has for us and walking in his ways. The other direction is wicked and leads to disaster. Here we see the idea that lust isn’t only sin because it’s ‘wrong’- it is also a pathway we choose. All paths lead somewhere.

The Example of a King

Speaking of pathways that lead somewhere, consider the well-known actions of King David in the book of 2 Samuel. King David had an affair with a woman named Bathsheeba. In an attempt to cover up his sin he had her husband Uriah killed. What we may be too quick to fast forward over is the beginning of his story. His first step wasn’t an affair and murder. What happened first was this:

“One evening, David got up from his bed and walked around on the roof of the palace. From the roof, he saw a woman bathing. The woman was very beautiful.”[3]

David lusted, and watched ‘porn’, first. Everything that occurred after this was a result of stepping down the pathway of sin.

[1] Job 31:1 [2] Job 31:2-4 [3] II Samuel 11:2


The typical response we may feel as we read this is to think:

“Well, I would never go that far- I would never let my sin gain control of me and take me to dark places like that!”

Friend, in over a decade of working with men and women in recovery from sexual addiction, not a single person has ever said that it was their plan to end up ruining a marriage, a career, or a family. Every single one of them believed with all their heart that it would never go that far. And yet it did. Why? Because porn is a path that leads away from God, and the stops along that path grow increasingly painful as we get further and further away from our Creator. 

We are getting closer to answering the question – Is Watching Porn a Sin

The best of intentions.

Redemption from Addiction

Do you want to know how God can redeem what sexual addiction has broken? Nick Stumbo walks you through the trap of sexual struggles, pornography, and addiction to discover how God shows up in unexpected ways and places to bring you true and lasting freedom. Experience what God can do in your life with your donation of any amount. Experience God’s redemption now!
God's view vs. Man's view
I watching porn a sin? Man's view vs. God's view.


When anyone begins to rationalize a current behavior that they know to be a foretaste of greater sin, they have arrived at a dangerous place. I believe Jesus understood this so well. When he spoke about marital unfaithfulness, he took the concept much further than anyone expected in his time,[1] “You have heard that it was said, ‘Do not commit adultery’, but I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart!” Jesus is pointing out that an affair of the body always begins with an affair of the mind! He taught that the plan wasn’t to only keep us from using our body in a sinful way. Jesus was calling His followers to use their whole self- heart, soul, and mind- to glorify God. If we choose to walk the pathway of mental adultery, we are already off-course from what the Lord has for us.

[1] Matthew 5:27-28

An affair of the body always begins with an affair of the mind


Modern brain science backs-up and affirms the truth of what Jesus said over 2,000 years ago! Current technology can track what is influencing the brain and how it learns and grows. Research has shown repeatedly that what we think about and visualize actually causes change in the brain. Consider the all-star athlete who can imagine their performance, and then goes out and sees improvements in a real game. This is because a part of our brain doesn’t differentiate between reality and fantasy. Our brain mimics the behavior as if it were actually happening and responds accordingly.[1]

This is fascinating and hopeful when we apply this truth to positive imagery and goals. This system, however, can also be used for sin. When we watch porn, even though a part of us knows that what we are consuming is fake, another part of our brain is processing the experience as reality. This false reality will create a chemical response in the brain that will result in bonding to the images and a stronger desire to repeat the experience.  It turns out that Job and Jesus were right-on: what begins in the mind will eventually become expressed in the body and the choices we make.

[1] University of Colorado at Boulder. “Your brain on imagination: It’s a lot like reality, study shows.” ScienceDaily. (accessed November 8, 2021).

The physical effects of sin.
Escape from the temptation of watching porn.


I believe this is why the apostle Paul was so adamant about his response to sexual sin. Paul’s most repeated admonition regarding lust was to flee. Consider his words to a young apprentice named Timothy:

“Flee the evil desire of youth, and pursue righteousness, faith, love and peace along with all those who call on the Lord out of a pure heart.”[1]

In other places, Paul calls on believers to have “not even a hint”[2] of sexual immorality among them, and to completely “put to death whatever belongs to your earthly nature: (such as) sexual immorality, impurity, lust, evil desire…”[3]

More than an issue of right and wrong, Paul recognized that this was a sin that could so easily drag us away from the heart of God.

[1] II Timothy 2:22 [2] Ephesians 5:3 [3]Colossians 3:5


Is watching porn a sin? Yes!

So what are we to do If we have become ensnared in watching porn? Paul  gives us a clear answer for this. Rather than being conformed any longer to the pattern of this world, we can instead be transformed by the renewing of our mind![1] The renewing of the mind is not some abstract spiritual concept. In light of what we know about our brains and how they create reality, the daily renewing of our mind with God’s truth can lead us in a new way that translates to new behavior.

The good news is that the brain CAN change, but this new pathway will take time, focus, and intention. Lasting change will almost always require the help of a supportive recovery group to help us avoid stepping off the right path. But the brain, and heart, can be transformed! This is our mission at Pure Desire Ministries.

Watching porn misses God’s mark for His goodness in our lives. In his wisdom, he designed our brains and our bodies to bond to one spouse for a lifetime, and any level of porn consumption will threaten that God-given bond. When we walk on His path, however, His Spirit can renew our mind and give us a greater appetite for only that which pleases Him.

So, if you look around and find that you are walking on the wrong path, there’s only one thing to do: repent (which means to change directions) and get on a different path. Your brain will thank you!

[1] Romans 12:2

Turn to the Cross of Christ

There is no darkness that the light of Christ cannot pierce. Learn more about how you or loved ones can heal from the wounds of pornography.

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