If you and your spouse argue about the same money issues over and over, it may be time to look below the surface.
Marriage Problems
If you’re married to an addict, don’t give up hope. An expert counselor explains how to care for yourself and avoid enabling your addicted loved one.
Consider the following ways to avoid or end an extramarital affair and learn about the importance of knowing your spouse’s primary needs.
Dr. Henry Cloud describes how vulnerability makes a difference in marriage as it builds trust and empathy between a husband and a wife.
Three types of emotional abuse can easily be disguised: gaslighting, retaliation and projection. Recognize when you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship.
Not all traumatic experiences are equal, but the way the body reacts to trauma is similar in every situation. Two broad categories might be called trauma with a capital T and trauma with a small t.
Shame tempts us to hide from God and others. Learn how to resist Satan’s accusations and allow God to remove your shame.
Marriage struggles are normal. But often, couples ask, “Is divorce the right answer?” These 15 questions will help you evaluate your marriage.
Domestic violence is never acceptable. While marriage is sacred, abuse violates God’s intended purpose.
Ghosts from the past can create intimacy wedges in remarriage. Learning to recognize your ghosts and manage them is one path to increase your marital confidence and intimacy.