Get Your Special Edition Morgan Weistling Print!

Order your Morgan Weistling’s special edition giclée print with your generous gift to save marriages and families through Focus on the Family this Christmas.

Award-winning artist Morgan Weistling has created a tender scene just for you that is perfect for the holidays. In “Kissed by God,” Jesus shows love as only a child can with a sweet gesture for his mother, Mary.

This beautiful and moving depiction represents the love God has for all of us. “In this is love, not that we have loved God but that he loved us and sent his Son to be the propitiation for our sins” (1 John 4:10 ESV).

It is a message for Christmas and all year long. Add this special edition, 20″ x 24″* giclée print to your current art collection or start one. This unique timeless print makes a great addition for your home this holiday season and all year as a reminder of the importance of enduring love. And it’s the perfect gift for the holidays!

You can receive an unsigned special edition giclée print with your gift of $150 or more to support the ministry. Or get your print signed by the artist with your generous gift of $300 or more.

Order by December 10th to get your print in time for Christmas.

*Image Size: 16″ x 20″, Final Size: 20″ x 24″

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