Rollaway Rock

On the first day of the week, very early in the morning, they came to the tomb, bringing the spices they had prepared. They found the stone rolled away from the tomb. They went in but did not find the body of the Lord Jesus. While they were perplexed about this, suddenly two men stood by them in dazzling clothes. So the women were terrified and bowed down to the ground.
“Why are you looking for the living among the dead?” asked the men. “He is not here, but He has been resurrected!”
—Luke 24:1-6


construction paper: brown or gray, black, yellow, green
thin black marker
wooden clothespin


1. Draw and cut out a rocky cave on brown or gray construction paper. Your tomb should be about 3 inches wide and 2-3 inches tall.
2. Cut a 1-inch circle out of black paper. (You can trace around the edge of a plastic bottle cap.) Glue the circle to the “floor” of the cave.
3. On a tiny scrap of yellow paper, write the words He is risen! Glue the note onto the black circle.
4. Carefully glue the tomb behind the left prong of a clothespin.
5. Cut a slightly larger (1½-inch) circle out of brown or gray paper. Glue it in front of the right prong of the clothespin.
6. Draw and cut out a grassy field—about 3 inches wide—on green paper. Glue the field to the front of the left prong of the clothespin.
7. Squeeze the clothespin to roll the stone away and reveal Jesus’ empty tomb.

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