12 Eggs of Easter

egg carton
12 plastic Easter eggs
small toys or objects

1. Twelve days before Easter, read the first Bible passage below, taken from the Easter story.

Day 1: Matthew 21:1-11
Day 2: Matthew 26:1-16
Day 3: John 13:1-17
Day 4: Matthew 26:26-30
Day 5: Matthew 26:36-46
Day 6: Matthew 26:47-56
Day 7: John 19:1-16
Day 8: John 19:17-27
Day 9: John 19:28-37
Day 10: John 19:38-42
Day 11: Matthew 27:57-66
Day 12: John 20 or Matthew 28

2. Find a symbol to fill your first plastic egg. For example, Jesus rides into Jerusalem in Matthew 21, so you could use a plastic donkey or horse. You could also use a small leaf to symbolize the palm branches.
3. Each day, read a new passage and fill another egg. You can also draw a picture on a slip of paper. Here are some suggestions.

Day 1: toy donkey or small leaf
Day 2: silver coin
Day 3: bit of soap
Day 4: small cracker
Day 5: picture of hands praying
Day 6: LEGO sword or lipstick kiss on paper
Day 7: crown (pipe cleaners feel prickly)
Day 8: small cross
Day 9: LEGO spear
Day 10: potpourri or partial cinnamon stick
Day 11: stone
Day 12: tissue

4. By Easter Sunday, you’ll be able to tell the entire story with your eggs!

Welcome to Clubhouse Jr.

Every month, Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. magazine provides age-appropriate, biblically based stories, poems, puzzles, crafts and recipes that can help children (ages 3-7) learn more about and grow closer to God.