Clubhouse Jr. Submission Guidelines

Submission Guidelines

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Clubhouse Jr. Submission Guidelines

Focus on the Family Clubhouse Jr. is a 32-page magazine designed to inspire, entertain and teach Christian values to children ages 3-7. The magazine, which has a circulation of over 50,000, reaches young readers and their parents.

For the parents, we want them to trust Clubhouse Jr. to provide wholesome, educational material with Scriptural or moral insight.

For the kids, we want them to anticipate stories with excitement, adventure, action, humor or mystery.

Your job, as a writer, is to create work that pleases both parents and children.

We feature fiction stories in each issue. We look for fresh, creative stories, especially those with children our audience’s age as the main character. The characters should be well-developed, the story fast-paced and interesting, and the prose descriptive and engaging. While our stories aren’t always explicitly Christian, they should be built on a foundation of Christian beliefs and family values. Key elements in a strong story are humor and charm. Fiction stories should be 800-1,000 words in length.

What we’re looking for:
~ Humorous stories with a point
~ Contemporary stories with multicultural or ethnic settings
~ Choose-your-own adventure stories

What we don’t need:
~ Stories where adults solve every problem
~ Preachy sounding stories with an overbearing moral or message

Rebus Stories:
We also feature rebus stories in Clubhouse Jr. These unique, picture-story pieces are written with the intent of encouraging parent-child interaction and reading development. Repetition of images, concise word choice and a funny, insightful ending are the most important aspects of a successful rebus. We urge potential authors to study previously published Clubhouse Jr. rebus stories to better understand this genre. Rebus stories should be 200 words.

We are always looking for unique and interesting nonfiction stories and articles, especially stories about animals. Every article should have a Christian angle, though it shouldn’t be overbearing. The concepts and vocabulary should be appropriate for our audiences’ ages.

What we’re looking for:
~ Unique animal and nature features tying into faith (400 words)
~ Easy craft, recipe and activity articles using common household items (300 words)
~ Short (250 words or less) stories of ordinary kids doing extraordinary things for our “Kids
Like You” section. Should be a child you know. Written first-person about
real-life experience. Include 2-3 photos for publication.

What we don’t need:
~ Science or educational articles without Christian insight
~ Puzzles, word searches and crossword puzzles

Bible Stories:
Clubhouse Jr. often publishes Bible stories. We look for imaginative yet accurate retellings of Scripture. We generally favor lesser-known stories or stories told from a new point of view. The best styles are short captions, easy reader or comic strip versions. A nonfiction sidebar highlighting accurate facts about the subject is a plus. Bible stories should be no longer than 500 words.

We generally pay between 15 and 25 cents per word, depending on the amount of editing required. Authors sign a contract and are paid upon acceptance of the story and sent complimentary copies when the piece is published. We do not consider reprinted stories. We purchase a non-exclusive license, and simultaneous submissions are not accepted.

If you would like a sample issue of Clubhouse Jr. magazine to read and study, please visit Focus on the Family’s online store. Single issues cost $4.99.

All manuscripts should be typed, double-spaced, on one side only of letter paper (8.5×11 inches). The author’s name, address, phone number, email address and an approximate word count should appear on the first page of the manuscript or in the cover letter, as well as the genre of the story. We only accept completed manuscripts; no query letters. Material will not be returned. Please include a self-addressed envelope with adequate postage for a reply. Seasonal material should be sent at least eight months in advance.

Address all submissions to:
Grace Kelley, Associate Editor, Clubhouse Jr.
Focus on the Family
8605 Explorer Drive
Colorado Springs, CO 80920

We do our best to respond to submissions within 12 weeks.

Copyright © 2023 Focus on the Family.