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Before Talking About Sex: Dealing With Our Past
The first step in raising our children to honor their sexuality is to come to terms with our own.
Become a Prayer Warrior for Your Child Like Hannah
Hannah’s heartfelt prayer for a child inspires us today to be prayer warriors.
Why Teens Are Attracted to Wicca
Talk with teens about their attraction to Wicca.
Encourage Your Child’s Faith
Get a number of ideas about how to help your child’s budding faith grow every day.
Parenting Videos
Trending in Parenting
Do Your Children Know How to Draw Close to God Through Prayer?
Unanswered questions about prayer may cause kids to have misconceptions. We can help correct those misunderstandings as we teach our kids how to draw closer to God through prayer.
How To Encourage and Motivate Your Teen
Your job is now to pinpoint your teen’s interests and natural abilities to help your child grow in the direction that God made him or her.
Avoid Bitterness By Finding Forgiveness
It is dangerous for you when you don’t choose to forgive others.
You Are (Not) Enough: Finding Self-Worth in Christ
It’s our nature to look for our identity out there, but our true identity can only come from being in Christ.