Your Parenting
to Your Kid’s Needs.
Genuine Love + Wise, Christ-centered Guidance = Superpower Dad! This is a place to get easy-to-access, practical content to help you win at your most important role.
Your Presence in Your Child’s Life MATTERS!
Research Shows Kids with Involved Dads are:
Less likelihood of being
suspended or expelled from school
Less likelihood of teen pregnancy
Less likelihood of jail time
Power for Good
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Fathers Matter: The Importance of a Father
A father’s gifts of quality time, life-giving words, and positive actions have a long-lasting impact on his children.
Read MoreHelp For When Father’s Day Feels Awkward
Father’s Day is awkward for those who either don’t have a father or who are estranged from their father.
Read MoreWhy Did My Dad Leave Me?
While you may never know the reason that your father left you, there is one thing you can be absolutely…
Read MoreA Father’s Day Note from a Redeemed Father
Explore Jim Daly’s encouragement to fathers for Father’s Day 2022. Then, think about how your family can make the most…
Read MoreThe Power of a Father’s Apology
Whether your children are fully grown, or still crawling on your lap, the power of an apology can transform your…
Read MoreWhat Defines a Father?
Help your child embrace God as his or her heavenly Father.
Read MoreFatherhood: How to be the Dad Your Family Needs
Fathers have the awesome responsibility of laying a spiritual foundation in the home. But what does that mean, exactly? How…
Read MoreThe Real Job of Dads
A dad’s primary, underlying job isn’t control.
Read MoreHow To Be a Good Dad: 7 Ways To Be the Father Your Kids Need
Dads matter. So how can you make a lasting difference in your children’s lives?
Read More -
Father’s Day Advice From Foster and Adoptive Dads
How Dads Can Teach Their Daughters About Prayer
How Dads Can Teach Daughters Their Unending Value
How Dads Can Teach their Daughters to Manage Strong Emotions
How Dads Can Teach The Power of Reading God’s Word to their Daughters
How Dads Can Teach Their Daughters About Perseverance
Your Secret Service Role as an Expecting Father – Aaron Sharp
Intentional Conversations for Dads and Their Sons
Why Do Dads Need To Show Their Kids Affection?
How Can Dads Protect Their Kids?
What Boundaries Can Dads Give Their Kids?
Survival Tips for New Dads – Aaron Sharp
3 Ways to get the Information You Need
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Additional Resources
On-demand, biblical, practical, and personal tips to build your relationship with your child and model a thriving life with God.
Inner Hero!
Get a sense of your dad strengths and areas where you may need to grow. Talk about the constructive feedback you receive to forge deeper connections with your kids.
Take Your Parenting
from Good to
This FREE, reliable assessment helps you develop self-awareness and an initial game plan as you invest in each of your children
Get Your Kids
Sign up and we’ll send interesting, informative, funny, stage-specific conversation starters to your phone once a week!
Don’t Take
Word for it…
You’re not the only dad that has important questions and issues that you need help navigating! Here’s what some others have to say:
“10 Years Later”
“Through the years your ministry helped me grow in Christ and learn how to be a husband and father. Our third child was nearly 18 and planning to set out on her own. My wife and I were looking forward to our empty nest chapter, but God had other plans. We had talked of becoming foster parents, but never started the process. One program on Focus changed that. I told my wife what I had heard, and we began the process to become foster parents. Ten years later, we have adopted two girls through the foster care system. Raising children at our age is more difficult than it was 30 years ago, but we couldn’t imagine life without our 10- and 5-year-old daughters. God has used Focus on the Family to bless us beyond measure and to change future of two little girls.”
– Joseph
“Gives Me Courage”
“In stressful times the peace and grounding Focus offers gives me courage and hope to do the right thing, lead by example, and serve according to my skills. In particular, Focus has helped me process my relationship with my father and the impact his tough family situation had on him, and then on me. I don’t like being convicted about what kind of father I am, but from no other source do I get the prodding to be deliberate and thoughtful in my parenting.”
– Adam
“A Blessing to Me”
“Focus on the Family has been a blessing to me, been a blessing to my children, been a blessing to my wife, been a blessing to our church members. We appreciate the authors and the messages and what you bring. And may God bless your ministry. Without Focus on the Family, I don’t think I would be the father I am today.”
– Ramone
“Helped Me Process”
“In particular, Focus has helped me process my relationship with my father and the impact his tough family situation had on him, and then on me. I don’t like being convicted about what kind of father I am, but from no other source do I get the prodding to be deliberate and thoughtful in my parenting.”
– Adam
“Box Letters”
“When each of our three children was born, I purchased a box for each child. I started writing what I called “box letters” to each of them about the special warm fuzzy moments each of us experience but often quickly forget. I write about lessons learned the hard way; I tell them about how much God loves them, and how proud we as parents are of them. I tell them about how I see them growing into the young woman and young men God has called them to be. I am a better husband, a better father, and a better pastor, because of how God has used and is using the ministry of Focus on the Family to speak into my life. Thank you so much for your ministry; I appreciate it very much. Love you guys.”
– Tim
“Overcome Childhood Wounds”
“As a single man, I received encouragement and wise counsel that helped me overcome childhood wounds and gave me more confidence in looking for a godly mate. Since becoming a husband and father, I have gained wisdom and compassion that have helped me walk out my faith in every area of my life and to think about current events and participate in our culture from a Christian worldview.”
– Steve
“Without a Doubt”
“Without a doubt, I am the husband and father I am today by the grace of God, the love and support of my wife, and the influence of Focus on the Family.”
– Rick