Your Gift DOUBLES to Give Families Hope!

Will you become 1 of 583 donors needed today to save marriages and strengthen families this Christmas? Your gift will go twice as far to give families hope through trusted biblical resources!
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Your Gift DOUBLES to Give Hope and Save Lives!

Will you become 1 of 56 donors needed today to save babies from abortion this Christmas? Your gift will go twice as far to give mothers and their babies hope in Christ.
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Give Families Hope!

Your gift DOUBLES to save families this Christmas! Become 1 of 583 donors needed today!

Save Lives and Give Hope

Your gift DOUBLES to save lives this Christmas! Become 1 of 56 donors needed today!

GIVE FAMILIES HOPE this Christmas!

Give families the biblical resources they need to thrive this Christmas season! Become 1 of 583 donors needed today!
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this Christmas!

Double your impact to save babies from abortion this Christmas season! Become 1 of 56 donors needed today!
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GIVE FAMILIES HOPE this Christmas!

DOUBLE YOUR GIFT NOW! Become 1 of 583 donors needed today!

this Christmas!

DOUBLE YOUR GIFT NOW AND SAVE BABIES! Become 1 of 56 donors needed today!

Get Help for Abusive Relationships

Help for Abusive Relationships

No one should feel unsafe.

If you or someone you love is in an abusive relationship, here are some resources to help you take steps towards safety and freedom.

Resources for a Path to Safety

Are you or is someone you know stuck in a harmful relationship? Here are some resources to help you gain wisdom and direction for stepping toward freedom.

Wrestling with Guilt When Drawing Boundaries with an Abusive Spouse

When dealing with an abusive spouse, you need to be bold, take action, and draw clear boundaries for your own safety. God loves you. And He hates the abuse you endure.

How to Know If You’re in an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

Emotional abuse has been proven to be one of the most damaging types of abuse long term. Three types of emotional abuse can easily be disguised: gaslighting, retaliation and projection. Learn about the common types to become aware if you’re in an emotionally abusive relationship.

Setting Boundaries to Create Safety: Healing an Emotionally Abusive Relationship

If emotional abuse is present in your relationship, setting boundaries is crucial. If you think your safety’s at stake, learn the steps to effectively set boundaries in harmful relationships.

Codependency: What Is It?

Signs of Emotional Abuse

What is Spiritual Abuse in Marriage?

What is Financial Abuse in Marriage?

What is Sexual Abuse in Marriage?

Are You in an Abuse Relationship?

How to Deal With Manipulative People

Am I in an Abusive Relationship?

How to Help Someone in an Abusive Relationship

You may want to know how to support someone you love who’s in an abusive relationship. Here are several ways that can enable you to be there for them.

Is It Abuse?: A biblical Guide to Identifying Domestic Abuse and Helping Victims

My Spouse is Verbally and Emotionally Abusive
How should I deal with my spouse’s unkind words, mind games, and put-downs? This has been a problem for most of our marriage.

Male Abuse in Marriage? Why an Abusive Wife is No Laughing Matter
Can men experience abuse in marriage? Why is it so hard to see a man as a victim of abuse?

My Spouse is Physically Abusive
My husband has had a tendency to resort to violent behavior throughout our marriage. I feel trapped. At times I have even feared for my safety, but I don’t know what to do.


Focus on the Family Broadcast

Allowing God to Heal My Messy Marriage (Part 2 of 2)

Domingo and Irene Garcia discuss the early years of their marriage which were filled with alcoholism and abuse, and how God brought about a miraculous healing to their lives and relationship. The Garcias offer hope and encouragement to other couples that they, too, can change destructive patterns and embrace God’s plan for their lives. (Part 2 of 2)

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Focus on the Family Broadcast

Allowing God to Heal My Messy Marriage (Part 1 of 2)

Domingo and Irene Garcia discuss the early years of their marriage which were filled with alcoholism and abuse, and how God brought about a miraculous healing to their lives and relationship. The Garcias offer hope and encouragement to other couples that they, too, can change destructive patterns and embrace God’s plan for their lives. (Part 1 of 2)

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Abuse in Marriage - Darby Strickland

What is Domestic Abuse in Marriage?

Darby Strickland, counselor and author of Is It Abuse? describes the different types of domestic abuse and encourages victims to seek help and share their story with a trusted individual.

How to Help Someone in an Abusive Marriage

Darby Strickland explains how to help someone in an abusive relationship. She encourages helpers to stay at the victim’s pace and to be careful with how they respond to information shared.

Misconceptions of Abuse in the Church

Counselor Darby Strickland talks about the common misconceptions of abuse, especially within the four walls of the church. 

If an Abusive Spouse Is Not Repentant

Darby Strickland, author of Is It Abuse? talks about the sad reality of an unrepentant abusive spouse who is unwilling to change.

If Abuse Isn’t Physical Abuse in a Marriage

What if someone is being abused by their spouse, but it’s not necessarily physical? Darby Strickland explains how to address this instance.

Hope for Abuse Victims

Darby Strickland offers hope to victims of spousal abuse and encourages them. She explains how God doesn’t just come to save us from our sin; He also comes to save us from our suffering.

Want even more on this topic?

To view these videos and additional links in a specially formatted e-series, please click the link below.

Domestic Abuse - Kari Trent Stageberg

Kari's Story of Abuse in Marriage

Kari Trent Stageberg suffered in an abusive relationship. Her story of domestic violence is not uncommon. She tells of her struggles, thought processes and emotions as she was dealing with an abusive husband.

Types of Abuse

Kari Trent Stageberg describes several different types of abuse in relationships: verbal, emotional, physical and sexual abuse. She explains how to identify each type and stresses the importance of knowing how to distinguish one from the other.

Don’t Stay Stuck in an Abusive Relationship

Kari Trent Stageberg was in an abusive marriage, but she finally got out and is healing. She offers encouragement for people who are in the same situation she was in.

Forgiving After an Abusive Relationship

Kari Trent Stageberg discusses the journey of forgiving after an abusive relationship. While forgiveness doesn’t excuse what the abuser did, choosing to forgive is God’s gift to you to let go and move forward in freedom.

A Prayer for Our Viewers

Kari Trent Stageberg prays a blessing over viewers who may have previously experienced abuse in relationships or are facing it right now. She speaks encouragement and hope over them and claims that there’s redemption and a way out.