My daughter Laurie shouted over the phone, “Mom, I’m pregnant!” The joy in her voice was contagious.
“I’m thrilled,” I replied. “You’re going to be a mom. That means I’m going to be a grandma. Congratulations to both of us!” We laughed and gave each other a long-distance hug.
After we ended the call, I remembered my mother had bought me my first maternity dress when I was expecting Laurie, so I wanted to do the same for my daughter.
“What can I get you?” I asked a few days later. “I’d like to buy your first outfit.”
Laurie asked for a corduroy jumper and told me her favorite color. I made a note of it and planned to shop within the next few days. Little did I know that Laurie’s stepmother, Sally, beat me to it. Somehow she got wind of Laurie’s preference. Sally’s gift arrived well before mine. I felt upstaged and hurt.
Sally was also quick to choose a name for her new role — Nana — which would have been my name preference.
I felt overshadowed — first the gift, now the name. What’s next? I wondered.
While I rejoiced over this new season of my life and looked forward to spending quality time with my grandbaby, I didn’t realize the tug-of-war I’d find myself in with the other grandparents.